Alternate server address

The Alternate server address specifies an additional IP address as an alternative to the primary server address. When a connection is to be made to a Ggate gateway, the connection will first be made to the primary address (however, see the Random connect option). If the connection is refused, or after a delay the connection has timed out, then a connection will be attempted to the alternate address. This may be used to provide backup connectivity in the case where one of several Ggate servers may be down, and also to provide a form of load balancing.

A more extensive backup and load balancing capability may be achieved by connecting via the G&R Host Links network management product, Gproxy. In this case the primary server address would be the address of Gproxy, and the alternate, if used, would be the address of a backup copy of Gproxy. Gproxy returns the address of the Ggate gateway with the least load of those currently operational, and Glink connects to that address.

The address may be a numeric address of the form, or a symbolic name (such as

If you need to connect to a port other than the default, this may be added to the end of the address, using a colon (:) to separate it from the rest of the address. For example, to connect to port 1311 you should specify or

IPv6 address
If an IPv6 address is specified and you have to specify a port number, use the following syntax:

   [IPv6 address]:port
for example