Datalogic scanner settings

Go to Android Settings->Datalogic Settings->Scanner settings->Wedge or for Android 9 or older Settings->System->Scanner settings->Wedge and disable Enable Keyboard Wedge and enable Enable Intent Wedge.

In addition, please check/set the following parameters:

   Intent delivery mode: Broadcast intent
   Intent action:        com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_action
   Intent category:      com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_category

If scanned data is received twice, Enable Keyboard Wedge might still be on.

To check that scanned data is received with Data intent, the scanned data should also be displayed on the status line at the bottom of the Glink screen. If scanned data is received without data displayed on the status line, check that the parameter Show on status line is enabled and Enable Keyboard Wedge is disabled.

Please note that similar parameters in Glink, like prefix and suffix, will not override the parameters specified in Android settings. They will be added to the parameters specified in Android settings.