Toolbar options

Button size

Increase button width with scaling factor

The original button width can be adjust with a scaling factor. A factor of 2.0 will double the size. Try a factor of 1.2 to increase the width slightly.

Please note that the width for an individual button can be doubled by preceding the button text with a * (star). For example, if the button text is modified from Enter to *Enter, the button text shown is Enter but the button width is doubled. If the button text starts with **Enter, the button width will be tripled and so on.

Increase button height with scaling factor

The original button height can be adjust with a scaling factor. A factor of 2.0 will double the size. Try a factor of 1.2 to increase the height slightly.

If a parameter format error is detected, the size is set to the original size.

Vertical toolbar layout

The number of vertical toolbar columns can be configured independently of the number of toolbars defined, see Settings->Toolbar setup->Vertical toolbar. And the number toolbar columns shown on the right side of the screen can be less than the vertical toolbar columns number enabling horizontal toolbar scrolling.

Max vertical toolbar columns

The default value is the same as the number of toolbars defined. This parameter redefines the number of vertical toolbar columns.

Max visual toolbar columns

The number of columns shown is by default equal the number of Vertical toolbar columns. If the visual number is less, horizonal toolbar scrolling shows hidden columns. If the number is larger, the default value is used.