This menu allows you to select which visual attributes are to be associated with every type of field setting from the host. Each attribute defined by the host has a specific letter letter associated with it.
For each of the attributes that may be set by the host, you have the opportunity to specify which of the visual attributes should be associated with it. Each of the visual attributes may be left as is (leave blank), turned ON, or turned OFF. As an example: you wish all unprotected fields to be presented in red inverse video. You would first select the VIP attribute Unprotected at the top, then set Red ON, Green and Blue Off and last Inverse On. Note that colours are mixed, so to produce yellow for example, you would turn red and green ON, while turning blue OFF.
One additional VIP attribute is available and is listed as user input. This attribute will be applied to all user input typed at the keyboard so long as no attribute has been set at the current position by the host computer. This may be used to provide easy differentiation of text you yourself have typed and text that came from the host. ( Note: this does not apply to ECHO mode - in ECHO mode all characters displayed come from the host). This specific attribute is not part of the standard VIP attribute set, but may be accessed by the host using the sequence <esc>s[.
Obviously some of the attributes will already be set for you, for example the VIP attribute Inverse will be set by default to turn on inverse while leaving the other attributes alone. In the example above, if you wanted to ensure that the ONLY inverse video fields to be shown were the unprotected ones, then you should reset (clear) the settings for the VIP attribute Inverse.